Rabu, 25 September 2019

EBay CEO Devin Wenig Resigns - The Wall Street Journal

EBay says its president and CEO, Devin Wenig, is stepping down. Photo: Jacob Kepler/Bloomberg News

Online auctioneer eBay Inc. EBAY -2.10% said Devin Wenig has stepped down as president, chief executive and a member of the board.

The San Jose company said Chief Financial Officer Scott Schenkel has stepped in as interim CEO while it conducts a search for a successor, adding that it will consider internal and external candidates.

In a statement, Chairman Thomas Tierney said eBay is a stronger company than it was four years ago, when Mr. Wenig took the helm.

“Notwithstanding this progress, given a number of considerations, both Devin and the board believe that a new CEO is best for the company at this time,” Mr. Tierney said.

EBay said Andy Cring, currently vice president of global financial planning and analysis, will serve as interim chief financial officer.

Write to Colin Kellaher at colin.kellaher@wsj.com

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2019-09-25 13:40:00Z

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